Registration closes once camp is full.
Cancellation/refund policy:
May 1st:
June 1st:
Optional Campfire/Overnight:
Cancellation/refund policy:
First Aid intervention policy: First Aid will always start with the most gentle remedy options first (for example, ginger tea for upset stomach, if allowed, before Tums). That is why the medical permission form is so long and includes natural remedies as well as over the counter medicines. If you are unsure of any remedy, please put 'no' in the permissions. There is also a place at the end of their form where you can ask someone from First Aid to call you ahead of camp to discuss any concerns you might have.
Antibiotic use policy: At Camp we are aware of the problems with over use of antibiotics. Our Standard of care for wounds is to clean the wound with Bactine Max with Lidocaine. This is a non-sting numbing spray. It kills 99% of germs. We then apply white petroleum jelly (Vaseline, neosporin without the antibiotic), and then bandage. If there is some extra reason for concern of what might have gotten into the wound, or if the bactine max is not allowed, only then would we apply neosporin with antibiotics.
Attendance while sick:
If a camper, CA or adult shows symptoms of a contagious disease, they may be asked by First Aid staff to wear a mask to protect others, or go home.
Campers/staff/adults/CAs may attend camp with a positive Covid test if they are not showing symptoms, but must agree to wear a mask to protect others from infection in order to continue to attend. If they do begin to show symptoms, they may be asked to go home.
Symptoms include, but are not limited to:
Fever is defined by our volunteer staff as a body temperature above 99.5 degrees for 2+ hours. A fever will be considered over once a normal temperature of 99.4 degrees or lower has been maintained for 24 hours or more WITHOUT medication.
Send-home policy:
We reserve the First Aid tent for campers who are truly sick or injured, not in need of a break or quiet place. (We have a special place for that, if needed, and it is not First Aid tent).
All Campers should have AT LEAST one person listed on their Camper Release list who can pick up the camper if they are sick or injured within 30 minutes or so of a call. We do this because camp is never fun when you are sick. It's loud, busy, hot and it is not comfortable for them when they are feeling awful.
Below are the specific First Aid limitations for different types of issues:
Illness: A camper may not spend more than 30 minutes in First Aid after receiving treatment, without being asked to go home.
Injury: A camper may not spend more than 1.5 hours in First Aid tent in one day without being asked to go home.
No return sickness policy:
If a camper is checked out due to sickness or injury during the day, campfire or overnight, they may not return until the next day of camp at 9am.
Acceptance and participation in summer programs is the same for everyone without regard to race, color, or national origin. As an equal opportunity organization, Girl Scouts is dedicated to diversity and fully supports the right of equal access for girl and adult members with disabilities. Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest Washington makes every reasonable effort to ensure this access.
I understand that when participating in Girl Scout activities I may be photographed for print, video or electronic imaging. I understand that the images may be used in promotional and fundraising materials, news releases and other published formats, and will be the sole property of Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest Washington, its assigns or successors, or Girl Scouts of the USA.
I acknowledge that Wil-LO-Linn is a NUT FREE camp. Peanuts and tree nuts are NOT allowed at camp. We have campers and volunteers with severe peanut and tree nut allergies. Please take this restriction seriously. I understand that items containing peanuts or tree nuts WILL NOT be allowed. I know my camper and I will be asked DAILY if we have any kind of nut butters, nuts, or nut milk items.
Day camp is a unique and exciting opportunity for girls to have fun, improve skills, make new friends, experience the outdoors, and learn from positive adult role models! To be successful at day camp, it is important to remember the Girl Scout Promise and to live by the Girl Scout Law. All campers and parents are asked to sign the Behavior Agreement for Day Camp.
I understand that failure to comply may result in being prohibited from participating in specific activities, requiring immediate pickup by a parent/guardian, creating a behavior action plan with the parent/guardian, or not enjoying all of the opportunities day camp has to offer. I understand that there is no refund for missed opportunities or dismissal from day camp due to a violation of this agreement.
Girl Scout Law
I will do my best to be honest and fair,
I agree to follow all camp rules.
I agree to tell the truth in situations that involve conflict.
friendly and helpful,
I agree to get to know other girls by learning their names and understanding that their personalities and values that may be different from my own.
considerate and caring,
I agree to participate fully in the camp experience by leaving my cell phone and all electronics at home. I understand that if I break this agreement and bring these items, Girl Scouts of Oregon and SW Washington is not responsible for these items. I agree not to pass judgment of others because they are different from me.
I understand that my behavior directly affects the others in my group and I will do my best to be a positive group member. courageous and strong, and
I agree to let an adult know about any behavior I witness that may be hurtful or harmful to myself or others (examples: bullying, threats, name-calling, leaving the group without permission, etc).
I agree to use coping skills if I become upset with something.
responsible for what I say and do,
I agree to use appropriate language and behavior. Unsafe rowdiness, fighting, sexual harassment, racist remarks, bullying, threatening, inappropriate gestures, or acts of violence or abuse to myself or others is unacceptable.
I agree not to bring alcohol, tobacco, controlled substances, illegal drugs, firearms or weapons to camp. I agree to take an active part in learning and having fun at camp.
and to respect myself and others,
I agree to respect other campers and volunteers belongings and space. I understand I will ask permission to use other camper’s things and I will respect the answer given. I also agree to keep my hands to myself.
If I am having a problem with someone or something, I agree to respectfully talk to that person and/or a volunteer. I agree to respect wildlife and not cause harm to them.
respect authority,
I agree to respect adults volunteering at camp and to follow their directions.
I agree to remain with my unit at all times unless I have permission from my unit leader to be somewhere else. I agree to use the buddy system at all times.
use resources wisely,
I agree to respect all property- both man-made and natural resources.
make the world a better place, and
I agree to help other campers and staff to keep camp clean and to “leave no trace.”
I agree to have an accepting attitude toward others who have values and cultural experiences different from my own.
be a sister to every Girl Scout.
I agree to be open to ideas other than my own and willing to cooperate for common objectives.
I agree to include all girls in my unit.
I agree to do my best to have fun, try new things, make new friends and enjoy my camp experience in the spirit of Girl Scouting.
Both the camper and parent/guardian have read, understand, and agree to comply with the Behavior Agreement for Day Camp.
-Strike One- Camper brought to HQ but goes back to unit sometime during the day.
Possible consequences:
-Strike Two- Camper brought to HQ, sent home.
-Strike Three- Camper brought to HQ, leaves immediately. May not return.
We will have an adult at HQ responsible for tracking & recording all incidents and issues. This adult will keep camp directors up to date with any Strike Two or Three Incidents.
Preventive Intervention is always the preferred method of helping everyone follow the GS Law, the overarching behavior guidelines at any Girl Scout camp. Each camper, volunteer, CA, PAIT, and adult associated with a camper has agreed to the overarching behavior guidelines (the GS Law) as part of their enrollment registration page. These guidelines are the same across all camps in GSOSW.
Preventive Intervention takes the form of talking to a CA or Unit Adult at the time of the problematic behavior, to make sure the child knows that what they did was wrong and possible consequences if they continue. Preventive Intervention may be considered as a strike one by the adult or CA and may necessitate an incident report if the CA/Adult thinks it needs to be recorded.
Physical violence, hate speech, unsafe or dangerous behavior will not be tolerated and will skip strikes one and/or two depending on CA/Adult discretion and severity. See Strike Two and Three consequences for possible disciplinary actions.
You need to complete one year as a CA PLUS have completed your LiA (most earn this during PAIT training) to earn your PA pin. Leading either an activity or unit fulfills this requirement.
If you did not have a chance to earn your LiA for whatever reason, please let us know. We can schedule time during your first CA year to earn it so you qualify for your PA pin by the end of the week.
Earned year two as a CA. Leading either an activity or unit fulfills this requirement. It is recommended you do the opposite of what you did the year before so that you can be in the area you want your third CA year (and be where you prefer as you earn your CIT Two).
Earned year three as a CA. It is required that you have done one year as a unit lead AND one year in an activity to fulfill this requirement. If you have only done units the previous two years, you MUST be in an activity your third CA year to earn your CIT Two, and vice versa – if you have been in activities your first two years, you MUST lead a grade level unit your third CA year.
To earn a CIT Two, you are supposed to be in a more leadership role within your chosen area.
If you are in an activity, that looks like:
If you are in a unit, that looks like:
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